解放 性。感。受。》射獵親密,鏡頭下的女女愛情
2020/01/17我們都渴望「親密」,但對於甚麼是「親密」,每個人都有不同的理解和感受。香港品牌 basics for basic 主理人兼攝影師 Kayla Wong(王曼喜),以一系列女女情侶影像展現女子間親密的各種樣態。透過訪問影像中的情侶,我們同時探索她們對親密的定義,期盼藉由影像與文字傳遞同志的愛情日常。
不論你愛的是同性還是異性,我們渴望的都是同一種「家」的感覺。在一天的辛勞過後,我們想要的或者 都不過是可以躺在最愛的那個人身邊,好好休息,讓我們有足夠的勇氣和力量去迎接下一個明天。我們都渴望「親密」,但對於甚麼是「親密」,每個 人都有不同的理解和感受。對我來說,「親密」就 是家的感覺,是兩個人分享溫暖,是兩個身體在 床上糾纏而為一的那個當下。-王曼喜
Maggie & Crystal
“ We share every shade of ourselves with each other, be it evil or good, dumb or bright, we fear no judgement, only elevation.Her scent, warmth and breathing comfort the restless me to sleep well at night. Sometimes I quietly put my forehead against hers, hoping to see her in my dream.So sweet and private no words can explain, I guess that's intimacy.”
親密是不僅十指緊扣,腳趾也緊緊交纏 親密是分享食物、分享衣服、分享心靈、 分享生活的哀傷/憂愁/趣味 親密是偷偷看你,原來你也在靜靜看着我 」-Maggie
CLing & Sum
“ It's when two souls touch. Heartened yet effortless.”-CLing
“ How we define initimacy.We're confident and feel very secured in each other’s embrace, so gentle yet so deep. We’re familiar with each other’s world. You know I love everything about you, your body, your flaws and even things that we are insecure about. Always telling me that I can just be myself. And also that total honesty and transparency in the relationship. I’d never be afraid to feel and express my feeling, even the deepest sadness and sorrow..”-Sum
Eunice & Kelly
“ Intimacy is knowing which cuisine on menu would each other pick without saying a word.”-Eunice
“ Intimacy is talking in a weird ET language only we know.”-Kelly
「親密,我倆之間有的默契是 就算相望而不語,都能清楚對方的想法 是靈魂上的結合。 」
“ I love you like I love myself,I treat you the way how you treat me”-R
“ Love you emotionally and physically.”-M
Joanne & Eunice
“ Passionate Sex ”-Joanne
“ It's emotional connection, and also being able to be vulnerable towards each other and still be accepted.”-Eunice
Kay & Abbey
「臨睡前說一句晚安,起身時說一句早安,睡覺 時可以碰著她便覺得很安全和舒服。」-Abbey
Ellen & Jolly
「想做什麼也可以,不用掩飾任何事。」 -Jolly
Grape & Daibo
“ Intimacy is within the radius of your scent.”-Grape
“ Intimacy is two lives entwined through the sharing and understanding of vulnerabilities, and finds expression through something as bizarre as the short stroke of her finger on my forehead, as ordinary as hands finding each other, or simply feeling safe knowing she’s there..”-Daibo
Circle & Esther
「親密是,我在你的眼中看到了自己,亦在你的身上,看到了我的一切。 」-Esther
王曼喜(Kayla) 畢業於洛杉磯的時裝設計學院,畢業後創辦了自己的時裝品牌Basics for Basics,除推廣可持續發展時裝,也致力推動同志平權。熱愛攝影的她Kayla希望以相片記錄和分享香港同志社群的故事,也希望觀眾可以用心感受他們的心路歷程。